Midnight Prayer Points

When you are facing any issue in life the best time to tackle such an issue is midnight. 

Below prayers will solve all manners of situation.

There are powers that specialize in attacking people while asleep. These powers have continued to destroy, terminate and discourage so many people from taking midnight prayers. Some powers are happy when you are not praying, especially at night. Such powers are draining your spiritual power day by day.

In the Bible, Jesus warned His disciples to always “watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). 

A true Christian life is a life with praying without ceasing. Living a life without prayer can leave us weak and exposed to more troubles, giving an opportunity for the enemy to gain ground and potentially lure us into sin and destruction.

Jesus terminated his battle with the devil when he went to pray at night (Luke 6:12). Paul and Silas through praises and midnight prayers opening the prison gates.

Should be prayed between 12am to 2am. It's not necessarily that you pray from 12 to 2 but if you can.

but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way - Matthew 13:25.

The below prayers should be done in 3 days. You can support the prayers with fasting if you can not necessarily but if your case needs urgent attention please do. If you have not done 3 days of prayer and fasting before then break fast later in the day or eat once in a day so you would have strength to wake up at night. Much food would make one slumber.

All prayers must end in the name of Jesus.

Day 1: 

Start by

Confession: Isaiah 54:14, In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. 

Praise and worship God.

1. Every arrow fired at my life and destiny from any coven, back fire, in the name of Jesus. 

2. My destiny, reject witchcraft manipulation and control, in the name of Jesus. 

3. Any evil plantation of darkness to cage my wealth, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

4. O God of signs and wonders, let me experience signs and wonders that will advertise your name, in Jesus name. 

5. My destiny, you shall fulfill your God ordained assignment, in the name of Jesus. 

6. Lord Jesus, anoint my names for uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus. 

7. I fire the arrows of sluggishness and failure fired against my star, in the name of Jesus. 

8. My organ in any witchcraft altar, Jump out by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

9. Evil hand laid on my destiny that is hindering me from succeeding, wither by fire, in Jesus name. 

10. Every good thing that enemy has stolen from me, I recover now, in Jesus name. 

11. My head, you shall not be cursed forever, in the name of Jesus. 

12. Lizard spirit attached to my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

13. Every curse of poverty in my foundation, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

14. O God, arise and let the world knows that I am serving the God of miracle, in Jesus name. 

15. Lord Jesus, empower me to surrender everything to You, in Jesus name. 

16. By the power that breaks all yokes, let every yoke in my life, break, in the name of Jesus. 

17. Mountain of rising and falling physical and spiritual, clear away, in Jesus name.

Day 2: 

Confession: Proverbs 26:27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. 

1. Ancestral pollution and contamination that limits destiny, come out of my life, in Jesus name. 

2. Any food I have consumed from the table of idol that is troubling me, come out of my life now, in Jesus name. 

3. I break and terminate the influence of ancestral spirit on my life and destiny, in Jesus name. 

4. Chain of stagnation and limitation, break off my life and destiny, in Jesus name. 

5. Thou power of miserable life, die, in the name of Jesus. 

6. I recover all my lost opportunities of the past years, in the name of Jesus. 

7. Covenant and soul tie behind what I am going through, expire, in the name of Jesus. 

8. I destroy every evil property and demonic operation in my house, in the name of Jesus. 

9. Every evil power, holding up my hands in the spirit realm, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

10. Dark powers, introducing lateness into my breakthrough, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

11. Powers, blocking my freedom, catch fire and trouble me no more, in the name of Jesus. 

12. Powers, wanting me to be a slave to my juniors, die, in the name of Jesus. 

13. Every power that kills prayer life and Bible reading, I kill you today, in the name of Jesus. 

14. Birds of death, working against me, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

15. The glory I have lost from my mother’s womb, O Lord, restore it to me, in the name of Jesus. 

16. Any power that says I will not arise when he is still alive, shall kill themselves, in Jesus’ name. 

17. Any power working against answers to prayers in my life, come out now, in the name of Jesus. 

18. O Lord, give me a miracle that will make me forget my sufferings, in the name of Jesus. 

19. Long-time battles in my life, come out and die, in the name of Jesus. 

20. Every power, using hands to cover my blessings, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

Day 3: 

Confession: Psalm 68:1 Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. 

1. Every witchcraft animal chasing away my helper, die in the name of Jesus. 

2. Any evil shrine that knows my name, catch fire in the name of Jesus. 

3. Arrows of untimely death, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus. 

4. My Father, my life is available, appear in the name of Jesus. 

5. Powers using my name to collect my blessings, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus. 

6. Every power that wants me in the grave before my glory shines, die in the name of Jesus. 

7. The battle of ‘thou shall not be congratulated’; die in the name of Jesus. 

8. Anti-laughter demons, I bind you and I cast you out in the name of Jesus. 

9. I receive power to pursue the enemy that pursued my parents in the name of Jesus. 

10. Witches gathered to bite me, destroy yourselves in the name of Jesus. 

11. Any charm fired into my leg to paralyze me, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. 

12. The battles of my parents that have become my battles, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus. 

13. Any power grinding and mixing things against me, be wasted with your materials, in the name of Jesus. 

14. Powers, assigned to make me a bad example, die by fire, in the name of Jesus. 

15. Thou ancestral gate of affliction, break, in the name of Jesus. 

16. Every satanic fire, burning my progress, quench and backfire, in the name of Jesus. 

17. Dark power, cooking my flesh and my health, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. 

18. Blessings that swallow debt, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus. 

19. Every stronghold holding my blessings, I render you powerless, in the name of Jesus. 

20. My Father, let me know, let me see and let me experience Your power this month, in the name of Jesus.

Take all the midnight MOUNTAIN OF FIRE MIDNIGHT PRAYERS POINTS Confession: Isaiah 54:14, In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee. Day 1: Praise and worship Time: 12 midnight till when God asks you to stop. I will sing unto the Lord the joyful song, I will praise His name because the Lord is good. I give glory to Almighty God because he has been good to me, in Jesus name. I magnify the Lord with my whole life and my soul shall sing of His name always. Every arrow fired at my life and destiny from any coven, back fire, in the name of Jesus. My destiny, reject witchcraft manipulation and control, in the name of Jesus. Any evil plantation of darkness to cage my wealth, be uprooted by fire, in the name of Jesus. O God of signs and wonders, let me experience signs and wonders that will advertize your name, in Jesus name. My destiny, you shall fulfill your God ordained assignment, in the name of Jesus. Lord Jesus, anoint my names for uncommon breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus. I fire the arrows of sluggishness and failure fired against my star, in the name of Jesus. My organ in any witchcraft altar, Jump out by fire, in the name of Jesus. Evil hand laid on my destiny that is hindering me from succeeding, wither by fire, in Jesus name. Every good thing that enemy has stolen from me, I recover now, in Jesus name. My head, you shall not be cursed forever, in the name of Jesus. Lizard spirit attached to my life, catch fire, in the name of Jesus. Every curse of poverty in my foundation, break by fire, in the name of Jesus. O God, arise and let the world knows that I am serving the God of miracle, in Jesus name. Lord Jesus, empower me to surrender everything to You, in Jesus name. By the power that breaks all yokes, let every yoke in my life, break, in the name of Jesus. Mountain of rising and falling physical and spiritual, clear away, in Jesus name. MFM POWERFUL MIDNIGHT PRAYER POINTS Day 2: Confession: Proverbs 26:27 Whoso diggeth a pit shall fall therein: and he that rolleth a stone, it will return upon him. Praise and worship Time: 12 midnight till when God asks you to stop.

Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/mountain-of-fire-midnight-prayer-points/  
In the Bible, Jesus warned His disciples to always “watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). A true Christian life is a life with praying without ceasing. Living a life without prayer can leave us weak and exposed to more troubles, giving an opportunity for the enemy to gain ground and potentially lure us into sin and destruction.

Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/mountain-of-fire-midnight-prayer-points/  
In the Bible, Jesus warned His disciples to always “watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). A true Christian life is a life with praying without ceasing. Living a life without prayer can leave us weak and exposed to more troubles, giving an opportunity for the enemy to gain ground and potentially lure us into sin and destruction.

Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/mountain-of-fire-midnight-prayer-points/  
In the Bible, Jesus warned His disciples to always “watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41). A true Christian life is a life with praying without ceasing. Living a life without prayer can leave us weak and exposed to more troubles, giving an opportunity for the enemy to gain ground and potentially lure us into sin and destruction.

Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/mountain-of-fire-midnight-prayer-points/  

Read more at: https://www.evangelistjoshua.com/mountain-of-fire-midnight-prayer-points/  

+ 74 Prayers of Destiny Preservation +

                                     "My Destiny Shall Not Die"

Confession (Gen 28:15) And, behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.

Prayer Points:
1. Every destiny destroyed by polygamy, be reversed, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every witchcraft power working against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every incantation and ritual working against my destiny, be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every power of darkness assigned against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every evil power trying to re-programme my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

6. I reject every rearrangement of my destiny by household wickedness, in the name of Jesus.

7. O Lord, anytime I want to make a mistake, direct me aright.

8. I refuse to be removed from the divine agenda, in the name of Jesus.

9. I refuse to be limited by any power of darkness, in the name of Jesus.

10.Every quencher of my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

11.O Lord, let my divine destiny appear and let perverted destiny disappear.

12.I reject every satanic re-arrangement of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

13.I refuse to live below my divine standard, in Jesus' name.

14.Every evil power having negative awareness of my destiny, be impotent, in the name of Jesus.

15.I paralyse every destiny polluter, in the name of Jesus.

16.Every damage done to my destiny, be repaired now, in the name of Jesus.

17.The enemy will not convert my body to rags, in the name of Jesus.

18.The enemy will not convert my destiny to rags, in the name of Jesus.

19.O Lord, restore me to Your original design for my life.

20.I reject destiny-demoting names, in the name of Jesus.

21.O Lord, enlarge my coast.

22.I refuse to operate below my divine destiny, in the name of Jesus.

23.O Lord, anoint my eyes, hand and legs to locate my divine purpose.

24.Every power contending with my divine destiny, scatter unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.

25.Let the spirit of excellence come upon me, in Jesus' name.

26.Satan, I resist and rebuke your efforts to change my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

27.Satan, I remove from you the right to rob me of my divine destiny, in the name of Jesus.

28.I command all powers of darkness assigned to my destiny to leave and never return, in the name of Jesus.

29.Let the earthquake, sea quake, air quake destroy every demoter assigned against my life, in the name of Jesus.

30.I command all the enemies of Jesus Christ that have access to my progress to leave and never return, in the name of Jesus.

31.I paralyse every satanic opportunities contending against my life, in the name of Jesus.

32.Every incantation, ritual and witchcraft power against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

33.I render null and void the influence of destiny swallowers, in the name of Jesus.

34.Every household wickedness struggling to re-arrange my destiny, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.

35.The rod of the wicked shall not rest upon my life, in the name of Jesus.

36.I refuse to be removed from the divine agenda, in the name of Jesus.

37.Holy Spirit, I invite You into my imagination.

38.O Lord, bring to light every darkness shielding my potentials, in the name of Jesus.

39.I break every curse of backwardness, in the name of Jesus

40.I recover myself from every evil diversion, in Jesus' name.

41.I shall not come to the world in vain, in the name of Jesus.

42.Every forest and rock demons assigned against me, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

43.Every local charm burnt against me, be roasted, in the name of Jesus.

44.I release myself from ungodly parental linkage, in the name of Jesus.

45.Lord Jesus, manifest Yourself in my life by Your name called 'Wonderful'.

46.Every bird of death assigned against me, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

47.I withdraw the food and drink of my problems, in the name of Jesus.

48.No evil family river shall flow into my life, in Jesus' name.

49.I withdraw my progress from every satanic regulation and domination, in the name of Jesus.

50.Every garment of darkness, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.

51.I refuse to live a floating life, in the name of Jesus.

52.Every deeply entrenched problem, dry to the roots, in the name of Jesus.

53.I destroy the weapons of satanic night raiders, in the name of Jesus.

54.Every stronghold of failure, be broken, in Jesus' name.

55.Every internal warfare in my life, be quenched, in the name of Jesus.

56.Every internal thief, be exposed, in the name of Jesus.

57.Anything planted in my life by my enemies, come out with all your roots, in the name of Jesus.

58.Let the handwriting of household wickedness be rubbed off, in the name of Jesus.

59.I do not ask for your co-operation, I command it, in Jesus' name.

60.Thieves that have stolen my divine deposits, return them now, in the name of Jesus.

61.O Lord, lay Your hands of fire upon me and change my destiny.

62.I receive explosive breakthroughs, I reject weak breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.

63.O Lord, change my destiny to the best.

64.Every evil power struggling to re-programme my life, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.

65.O Lord, shake me to my senses where I have made mistakes.

66.I thank the Lord Jesus for scattering the enemies of my divine destiny.

67.Every organ of my body, be washed by the blood of Jesus.

68.I withdraw every organ of my body from every satanic altar, in the name of Jesus.

69.Every spiritual parent, release me now, in Jesus' name.

70.Every unprofitable love targeted against me, be broken now, in the name of Jesus.

71.Every evil load prepared by household wickedness, be smashed unto desolation, in the name of Jesus.

72.Every stubborn curse, be broken by fire, in Jesus' name.

73.I dash every evil clock controlling my life on the wall of fire, in the name of Jesus.

74.Thank the Lord for answering your prayer.


This session is titled: Finding Favor With Others
1.   Father Lord, release your dew of heaven upon every dry situation in my life in the name of Jesus.
2.   Every demonic antenna magnetizing disfavor in my life be dismantled by the fire of God.
3.   Oh Lord, generate my love and favor in the hearts of my divine helpers in the name of Jesus.
4.   Oh Lord, hammer my matter into the mind of those who will assist me so that they do not suffer from demonic loss of memory in the name of Jesus.
5.   Lord Jesus, arise in all your power and destroy anything working against my favor in the name of Jesus.
6.   Oh Lord, generate my love and favor in the hearts of my divine helpers in the name of Jesus.
7.   Every evil wall of partition between me and my divine helper be scattered by the fire of God in Jesus name.
8.   I destroy by the blood of Jesus every evil manipulation upon the life of my helpers in the name of Jesus.
9.  Lord Jesus, arise in all your power and destroy anything working against my favor in the name of Jesus.
This Session Is Titled: Destroy Your Limitation
1.        Any power that would work to hide the key of my elevation this, receive double failure, in Jesus name.
2.        Every hold of the power of familiar spirit on my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
3.        Evil birds assigned against my excellence and divine upliftments this year, die, in the name of Jesus.
4.        Every spiritual bat programmed against my divine upliftments this year, die now, in the name of Jesus.
5.        Every spiritual vulture programmed against my divine upliftments this year, die now, in Jesus name.
6.        Every spiritual dog programmed against my divine upliftments this year, die now, in the name of Jesus.
7.        I crush every satanic lion from rising against my divine upliftments, in the name of Jesus.
8.        O Lord, I refuse to live under any satanic cloud, in the name of Jesus.
9.        O Lord, sweep oppressors with the broom of destruction.
10.    Let every evil power increasing against me fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
 This Session Is Titled: Dismantling The Operations Of Witchcraft
1.    Stubborn witchcraft, release me by fire, in Jesus mighty name.
2.    I break the power of the occult, witchcraft and familiar spirits over my life in the name of Jesus.
3.    Witchcraft opposition, receive the rain of affliction, in the name of Jesus.
4.    I cancel every witchcraft verdict against my life, in the name Jesus.
5.    Oh Lord, let my dreams and visions reject every witchcraft projection, in the name of Jesus.
6.    Every council of witchcraft working against me will not prosper, in the name of Jesus.
7.    O Lord, plant Your warring angels around me to dismantle and destroy evil stronghold of internal witchcraft, in the Jesus name.
8.    Let all friendly witchcraft powers be exposed and disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
9.    Every blessing that I have lost through placental witchcraft, I possess you, I Jesus name.

This Session Is Titled: Deliverance For The Head

1.      Every forces of affliction against my head disappear.
2.      Blood of Jesus 7 hot times repaired my head now.
3.      Every damaged done to my head received permanent solution.
4.      My head reject any evil manipulation in the name of Jesus.
5.      I command all my imprisoned benefits to be released, in Jesus' name.
6.      O Lord anoint me to pull down negative strongholds standing against me, in the name of Jesus.
7.      Let the thunder fire of God strike down all demonic strongholds manufactured against me.
8.      The Lord should anoint me with the power to pursue, overtake and recover my stolen properties from the enemy.
9.  Lord, let your healing power flow into my body in the name of Jesus

This Session Is Titled: Power Against Deeply Rooted Problems

1.       You strongman attached to deeply rooted problems in my life stumble and die now in the name of Jesus.
2.       I refuse to be a permanent slave of bondage of deeply rooted problems in my life in the name of Jesus.
3.       I release myself from the grip of the spirit of deeply rooted problems in the name of Jesus.
4.       Lord, I command the sword of fire to cut now any cord that ties me together with my parents in Jesus name.
5.       Any evil covenant made over my life through my placenta by my parents or any body break now in Jesus name
6.       Every demon in charge of my placenta using it to work against me be consumed by fire of God in Jesus name.
7.      Let every spirit controlling deeply rooted problems through soul ties covenant break now by the blood of Jesus.
8.       Any good thing that any unknown forces have stolen in my life, I claim you back now in Jesus name.
9.       Lord let there be confusion in their camp now in the name of Jesus.

This Session Is Titled: Killing The Witchcraft In Your Destiny

1.    Let every witchcraft meeting summoned for my sake be scattered unto desolation in the name of  Jesus.
2.    Let every chain of satanic accusation be shattered in the name of Jesus.
3.    Let thunder from the Lord destroy every evil altar constructed against me in the name of Jesus.
4.    Let every power of unrepentant witchcraft be disgraced in the name of Jesus.
5.    Any witchcraft practiced under any water against my life, receive immediate judgment of fire, in Jesus name.
6.    Every witchcraft power that has introduced spirit husband/wife or child into my dreams be roasted by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.
7.    Every agent of witchcraft power posing as my husband, wife or child in my dreams, be roasted by fire, in Jesus mighty name.
8.    Every agent of witchcraft power assigned to attack my finances through dream, fall down and perish, in Jesus mighty name.
9.       Every arrow shot into my life from under any water through witchcraft, come out of me and go back to your sender, in the name of Jesus.

 This Session Is Titled: Bulldozing Evil Check- Points

1.  Let every battle in the heavenlies be won in favor of my angels of blessings in the name of Jesus.
2.  Let every satanic law programmed into my life be terminated in the name of Jesus.
3.   Let my prayers release angelic intervention to my favor in the name of Jesus.
4.   I break every evil padlock put upon my progress in the name of Jesus.
5.   I quench the power of star paralyzers in the name of Jesus.
6.   Let all satanic check- points hindering my prayers be bulldozed by divine fire in the name of Jesus.
7.   Every power using the heavenlies against me, fall down and be disgraced, in the name of Jesus.
8.   Let the stars of heaven begin to fight for me, in the name of Jesus.
9.   O God, arise and scatter every conspiracy in the heavenlies that is against me, in Jesus name.
 This Session Is Titled: I Claim Divine Re-Arrangement
1.      O Lord, rearrange my situation to favor me.
2.      O Lord, rearrange my situation to glorify Your name.
3.      O Lord, re-arrange my situation to defeat and disgrace my enemies.
4.      O Lord, speak life to my dry bones.
5.      O Lord, speak deliverance to any bondage situation in my life.
6.      O Lord, speak clarity unto every cloudy situation in my life.
7.      Every arrow of affliction, go back the way you came, in the name of Jesus.
8.      I recapture every lost opportunity by the blood of Jesus.
9.      O Lord, uproot the root cause of any chronic failures.
10. Let all good things burned alive come forth now, in the name of Jesus.

   This Session Is Titled: Death To Witchcraft Works
1.      Every witchcraft power working against my destiny, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
2.      Every incantation, ritual and witchcraft power against my destiny, fall down and die, in Jesus name.
3.      I command every arrow of witchcraft in my life, come out with all your roots in the name of Jesus
4.      I disentangle myself and my family from every witchcraft cage and pot, in the name of Jesus.
5.      Every witchcraft hand planting evil seeds in my life through dream attacks, wither and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus.
6.     I exercise my authority over stubborn witchcraft and I pull down their structures, in Jesus name.
7.     Every placental witchcraft targeted against my destiny, what are you waiting for, die, in Jesus name.
8.     Placental witchcraft manipulating my destiny, die, in Jesus name.
9.    Every witchcraft coven and marine banks, release my placenta, in Jesus mighty name.

This Session Is Titled: Anointing To Excel

1.   I paralyze all aggression addressed to my star in the name of Jesus.
2.   Lord, bring honey out of the rock for me this month.
3.   Lord, open up all the good doors of my life that household wickedness have shut.
4.   Let all anti- breakthrough designs against my life be shattered to irreparable pieces in the name of Jesus.
5.   I paralyze all satanic antagonism against my destiny from the womb in the name of Jesus.
6.   I trample upon every enemy of my advancement and I unseat evil powers sitting on my promotions in Jesus name.
7.   O Lord, enlarge my coast beyond my wildest dream in the name of Jesus.
8.   I claim back all my goods presently residing in wrong hands in the name of Jesus.
9.   O Lord, plant good things that will advance my cause into my life.
10. That, which hinders me from greatness, begin to give way now in the name of Jesus.
11. Every imprisoned and buried potentials, come forth now in the name of Jesus.
 This Session Is Titled: Receiving The Anointing To Prosper
1.   I break the curse of automatic failure working in any department of my life in the name of Jesus.
2.   Let the anointing to excel and prosper fall mightily upon every department of my life in Jesus name.
3.   Let every anti- progress altar fashioned against me be destroyed with the fire of God in Jesus name.
4.   I withdraw my benefits from the hands of the oppressors in the name of Jesus.
5.   Let every power chasing blessings away from me be paralyzed in the name of Jesus.
6.   Let the enemy begin to vomit every good thing they have eaten up in my life in the name of Jesus.
7.   O Lord, give me power to overcome every obstacle to my breakthroughs.
8.   I break all curses of leaking blessings in the name of Jesus.
9.   I clear my goods from the warehouse of the strongman in the name of Jesus.
 This session is titled: Move Forward By Fire
1.   Let all the adversaries of my breakthroughs be put to shame, in the name of Jesus.
2.   I claim the power to overcome and to excel amongst all competitors, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Let any decision by any panel be favorable unto me, in the name of Jesus.
4.   Every negative word and pronouncements against my success be completely nullified, in Jesus’ name.
5.   I bind every spirit manipulating my beneficiaries against me, in the name of Jesus.
6.   I remove my name from the book of seers of goodness without appropriation, in the name of Jesus.
7.   Let the cloud blocking the sunlight of my glory and breakthrough be dispersed, in the name of Jesus.
8.   Lord, let wonderful changes begin to be my lot from this week.
9.   I reject every spirit of the tail in all areas of my life, in the name of Jesus.
10. Oh Lord, bring me into favor with all those that will decide on my advancement.
11. Oh Lord, cause a divine substitution to happen if this is what will move me ahead.
12. I reject the spirit of the tail and I claim the spirit of the head, in the name of Jesus.
13. Oh Lord, transfer, remove or change all human agents that are bent on stopping my advancement.
14. All demonic chains preventing my advancement be broken, in the name of Jesus.



1.   This Session Is Titled: Breaking The Gates Of Brass
1.      Every agreement made by my ancestors with dark powers, die, in the name of Jesus.
2.      Thou wicked ancestral power, die, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Every water and animal spirit in my family line, I destroy your agreement, in the name of Jesus.
4.   O Lord, set aside all evil spoken to my destiny before I was born, in the name of Jesus.
5.   Let all diviners be made powerless and become mad, in the name of Jesus.
6.   O Lord, let everything that gives my enemies strength be taken away today.
7.   O Lord, by Your never-failing power, let all my enemies be disgraced.
8.   Let all my enemies be overtaken, in the name of Jesus.
9.   Let the chariot wheels of their evil priests be taken away, in the name of Jesus.
10. I cancel every link of evil priesthood upon my life, in the name of Jesus.
2.   This Session Is Titled: Destroy Your Limitations
1.   Every war waged against my staff of bread this year, receive double disgrace, in the name of Jesus
2.   Any power that would work to hide the key of my elevation this, receive double failure, in Jesus name.
3.   Blood of Jesus, shield my birthright this year from the attack of spiritual armed robbers, in Jesus name
4.   I receive the power from above to fulfill my divine agenda this year, in the name of Jesus.
5.   O Lord, stir the fire of Holy Ghost in my spirit now, in the name of Jesus.
6.   Let the strongholds of amputators and emptiers fashioned against my destiny this year be destroyed, in Jesus name.
7.   Any power that would work to re-build my Jericho this year, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus
8.   O Lord, I refuse to live under any satanic cloud, in the name of Jesus.
9.   Every satanic check-point mounted against my destiny this year, be scattered by fire, in Jesus name.
10. Lord, let great deliverance begin to take place in my life now, in the name of Jesus
3.   This session is titled: Bringing Forth
1.      I take back everything the enemy has stolen from my life in the name of Jesus.
2.      I cancel all visions, dreams, words, curses contrary to conception and child bearing in my life in Jesus name.
3.      I command every negative imagination that is against my child-bearing to be cast down in the name of Jesus.
4.      Lord, let Your healing power flow into every area of my body relevant to conception and child bearing.
5.      God that quickeneth the dead, quicken everything concerning my conception in the name of Jesus.
6.      Let my womb be purged by the fire of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
7.      I break every covenant of late child bearing with the fire of God and the Blood of Jesus.
8.      I render myself impenetrable by any occasional or regular anti-pregnancy spirit, in the name of Jesus.
4.   This session is titled: Victory Over Devourers
1.   No devourer shall destroy the fruit of my labour in Jesus' name.
2.   You devourers and wasters of fortune, I command you to depart from my life in the name of Jesus.
3.   I use the Blood of Jesus Christ to wash my hands and my entire body and make them clean today.
4.   I retrieve my blessings from every evil attack in Jesus' name.
5.   I break every curse of failure in the name of Jesus.
6.   Let the Lord reveal to me every secret behind the problem.
5.   This session is titled: Enough is Enough
1.      Anything program into my life to arrest my conception be dismantle
2.      Let the year given to me from demonic word concern my child bearing be expire today.
3.      I shake off my life, from every dust of childlessness introduced into my life from my family line.
4.      I command all unknown evil forces organized against my life to be scattered, in Jesus name.
5.      I paralyze every activity of physical and spiritual parasites and devourers in my life.
6.      Powers denying me of my due miracles receive the stone of fire.
7.      Heavenly surgeons, perform necessary surgical operation in all the areas of my life.
8.      Evil strangers in my body, come all the way out of your hiding places.
6.   This session is titled: Victory Over Witchcraft Verdicts
1.      You curse of bitterness issued against my life by witchcraft spirits, be broken in the name of Jesus.
2.      Your curse of desolation issued against my womb, ovary, fallopian tubes by witchcraft, be broken by the blood of Jesus.
3.      You curse of miscarriages issued against my womb, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
4.      Every internal and external witchcraft working against my life, strike against yourselves to destruction, in Jesus name.
5.      Every witchcraft/herbalist coven harboring my womb receive the fire of God and be roasted, in Jesus name.
6.      Every monthly monitoring of my womb by witchcraft power be dissolved by fire.
7.      Every bi-monthly monitoring of my womb by witchcraft power be dissolved by fire, in the name of Jesus.
8.   I command the assignments of witchcraft against my life to turn against them, in the name of Jesus.
9.      I command the assignment of sorcerers against my life to turn against them, in the name of Jesus.
7.   This Session Is Titled: Destroying The Forces Of Demotion
1.   Every incantation of demotion, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
2.   O carpenters from heaven, dismantle the roadblock to my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Every vessel of witchcraft attack, sleep the sleep of death, in the name of Jesus.
4.   O arm of the Lord, arise and let my Hamman die, in the name of Jesus.
5.   Every rat of destruction, dry up and die, in the name of Jesus.
6.   Let all slavery in my life be abolished, in the name of Jesus.
7.   O Lord, before the next program, I claim unexpected income, in the name of Jesus.
8.   Let the tap-root of infirmity in my life dry up and die, in the name of Jesus.
9.   Fire of affliction, die and rise no more, in the name of Jesus.
8.   This session is titled: Defeating Anti-Conception Forces
1.   Let all spiritual parasites that are feeding on the seeds of my womb be roasted in the name of Jesus.
2.   Lord, correct any disorder in the functioning of my ovary, fallopian tube and womb supernaturally in the name of Jesus.
3.   Let all fire and thunder of God destroy any demonic padlock used by the enemy to lock my womb in the name of Jesus.
4.   Lord, activate my womb for conception in the name of Jesus.
5.   Every vicious cycle of problems in my life should break in the name of Jesus.
6.   No devourer will devour the fruit of my womb in the name of Jesus.
7.   I soak my womb, fallopian tube and ovary with the blood of Jesus.
8.   I claim the promises of God concerning child bearing in the name of Jesus.
9.   This Session Is Titled: Power Against Profitless hard work
1.   I refuse to do profitless work, in the name of Jesus
2.   Every evil force against my handiwork, be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
3.   I cover my handiwork with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
4.   I cover my handiwork with hot coals of fire, untouchable for evil forces, in the name of Jesus.
5.   O Lord, put to shame every evil force that is against my handiwork.
6.   My handiwork, receive the touch of the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
7.   Every tree of profitless hard work, be uprooted, in Jesus’ name.
8.   Profitless hard-work, pack your load and go out of my life, in the name of Jesus.
10. This Session Is Titled: Destroying Spiritual Deposits
1.      I decree the exit of all spiritual poison that entered into my womb during my wedding ceremony in Jesus name.
2.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through eating in the dream I command you to depart completely in Jesus name.
3.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through sexual intercourse in the dream I command you to depart completely in Jesus name.
4.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through demonic contamination I command you to depart completely in the name of Jesus.
5.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through spiritual incision I command you to depart completely in Jesus name.
6.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through abortion I command you to depart completely in the name of Jesus.
7.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through masturbation I command you to depart completely in Jesus name.
8.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through demonic sexual partner I command you to depart completely in the name of Jesus.
9.      Spiritual poison introduced into my womb through remote control mechanism I command you to depart completely in the name of Jesus.
11. This Session Is Titled: Power To Prosper
1.   Let all security-men in charge of satanic banks that are harboring my blessings be paralyzed, in Jesus name.
2.   I terminate the appointment of all satanic bankers and managers, in the name of Jesus.
3.   I command the thunder of God to break to pieces all the satanic strong-rooms harboring my properties, in Jesus name.
4.   I possess all my properties, in the name of Jesus.
5.   Let all satanic instruments used against me be completely destroyed, in Jesus name.
6.   I command all satanic clearing houses and agents to be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
7.   I paralyze completely all satanic transactions and contracts against my life, in the name of Jesus.
8.   Let all satanic network and computers fashioned against me be disorganized, in the name of Jesus.
12. This Session Is Titled: Let My Miracle Appear By Fire
1.   Lord, I desire breakthroughs concerning - childbearing today in the name of Jesus.
2.   Lord, I desire breakthroughs concerning pregnancy this month in the name of Jesus.
3.   Lord I desire breakthroughs concerning delivery of my baby this year in the name of Jesus.
4.   Fire of God, saturate my womb now, in Jesus name in Jesus name.
5.   I dismiss and disband from my heart every thought, image of picture of failure in these matters.
6.   I reject every curse of miscarriage and pre- mature birth in my family.
7.   I declare that there shall be no barrenness in my life.
8.   Every destructive that has entered into my reproductive organs be removed by fire.
10.  I break any curse contrary to childbearing transferred to me by any boyfriend/girl friend.
11.  I arrest every hormonal/problem in the name of Jesus.
12.  Let the walls of my womb be purged by divine fire.
13.  I cast out every spirit of death from my womb.
13. This Session Is Titled: Anti Prosperity Forces Must Die
1.   Let all decisions made on my business\career be originated by the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus.
2.   Let all my plan and purposes for my business\career bring honour and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ.
3.   Let increased productivity and profit be the lot of my business\career in the name of Jesus.
4.   Let my business\career continue to grow and expand in the name of Jesus.
5.   Let my business\career prosper and have good success in the name of Jesus.
6.   I remove my business\career from the dominion of the powers of darkness.
7.   I take authority over and over the binding of the strongman of financial failure.
8.   I command the curse and ordination of debt in my business\career to be nullified in Jesus' name.
9.   Let every financial failure in my life receive termination now, in the name of Jesus.

14. This Session Is Titled: Power Against The Spirit Of Stagnation
1.   Let every anti-progress altar fashioned against me be destroyed with the thunder fire of God, in Jesus name.
2.   Let every power chasing away my blessings be paralysed, in the name of Jesus.
3.   Let every good thing eaten up by the enemy be vomited now, in the name of Jesus.
4.   O Lord, give me power to overcome all obstacles to my breakthroughs
5.      Let every architect of problems receive termination now, in the name of Jesus.
6.      I paralyze all spiritual wolves working against my life, in the name of Jesus.
7.      Let that which hinders me from greatness begin to give way now, in the mighty name of Jesus.
8.   Let every imprisoned and buried potentials begin to come forth now, in the name of Jesus.
15. This Session Is Titled: My Life Shall Be fulfilled
1.   Any program of witchcraft in my house, I dismantle you by fire in the name of Jesus.
2.   Angels of God pull out every witchcraft nail, used to nail my womb to the trees.
3.   Angels of God drain out my sperm, from the witchcraft calabash.
4.   Any powers programming my life to cooking alone in my husband’s house I dismantle your program now.
5.      I refuse to do the house work alone, my womb produce my helper in Jesus name.
6.       Lord Jesus, turn my home to baby factory.
7.      I return barrenness to the camp of Michal the wife of David.
8.      I return delay in conception to the camp of Sarah the wife of Abraham, in Jesus name.
9.       Lord, remove the garment of reproach from me as you did for Hannah.
10.   Lord, command a change in every part of my system.
11.  All the evil children blocking my divine children, I slaughter you by the sword of God.
16. This Session Is Titled: Defeating Anti-Harvest Forces
1.  I stand against the power to sow but not to reap in the name of Jesus.
2.  I stand against the power to reap but not enjoy the fruits of one’s labour in the name of Jesus.
3.  I stand against the powers of the emptier in the mighty name of Jesus.
4.  I stand against the powers of the harvest consumers in the name of Jesus.
5.  I stand against the powers of the wasters in the name of Jesus.
6.  I stand against the powers of financial and family destruction in the name of Jesus.
7.  Lot all household wickedness be put to flight in the name of Jesus
8.  Let all anti-glory forces loose their hold upon my life in the name of Jesus
9.  I release myself from the bondage of leaking pockets in the name of Jesus.
10. Let the occurrences of slippery blessings be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus
11. Let the occurrences of spiritual vulnerability be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus
12. Let the occurrences of evil magnets be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus.
13. Let the occurrences of failure at the edge of miracles be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus.
14. Let the occurrences of evil pursuers be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus.
15. Let the occurrences of arrows of doubt be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus.
16.  Let the fire of Holy Spirit purge my life from any evil mark put upon the in the name of Jesus.
17.  This Session Is Titled: Power Against Desert Spirits
1.    O God who quickens the dead, quicken my womb and reproductive system, in Jesus name.
2.    I release myself from the hold of the spirits of sterility, infertility and fear, in the name of Jesus.
3.    All spirits rooted in fornication, come out of my womb with all yours, roots, in the name of Jesus.
4.    All spirits rooted in sexual perversion, come out of my womb with all your roots, in Jesus name.
5.    All spirits rooted in spirit husband, come out of my womb with all your roots in Jesus name.
6.    All spirits rooted in masturbation, come out of my womb with all your roots, in the name of Jesus.
7.    All spirits rooted in guilt, come out of my womb with all your roots, in the mighty name of Jesus.
8.    All spirits rooted in pornography, come out of my womb with all your roots, in Jesus name.
9.    I reverse every evil manipulation carried out against my womb using my menstrual pads or dates.
10.  I release myself from every inherited womb malformation, in the name of Jesus.
11.  Lord, grant unto my womb the power to retain, maintain and safely deliver my babies in Jesus name.
12.  Let the blood of Jesus sanitize my womb and anoint it, in the name of Jesus.
13.  I command all satanic networks against my being fruitful to be completely broken, in Jesus name.
14.  I break every anti-marriage and anti-pregnancy curse, in the name of Jesus.
18.  This Session Is Titled: Rapid Manifestation Of Miracles
1.    Let there be turbulence, re-arrangement, revision, re-organization and re-routing of situations and circumstances in order to create a path to my desired
        miracles, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Let every hole present in the container of my life be mended, in the name of Jesus.
3.    I bind, plunder and render to nothing every anti-testimony, anti-miracle and anti-prosperity forces, in the name of Jesus.
4.    The God who answers by fire and the God of Elijah, answer me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
5.    The God who answered Moses speedily at the Red Sea, answer me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
6.    The God who changed the lot of Jabez, answer me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
7.    The God which quickeneth the dead and calleth those things that be not as if they are, answer me by fire, in Jesus name.
8.    The God of all comfort and joy, answer me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
9.    In the name of Jesus, let every foreign knee preventing the manifestation of my miracles in heaven, on earth and underneath the earth bow, in Jesus name.
10.  I receive victory over all the forces of wickedness, in Jesus' name.
11.  Let every evil force gathered against my breakthrough be completely scattered, in the name of Jesus.
12.    I reject the spirit of the tail and I claim the spirit of the head, in the name of Jesus.
13.  I bind every strongman delegated to hinder the manifestations of my miracles, in the name of Jesus.
14.  Let power change hands in every area of my life to the hands of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.
15.  I receive the mandate to put to flight every enemy of my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
16.    I thank You, Lord Jesus, for given me divine victory.